Fundamentos de Processamento de Sinal
Weekly outline
Lecture materials
Uploaded 13/09/24, 20:04
Important NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and Students should keep in mind that the syllabus in slide 16 is NOT valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition (i.e. the video part between (h:min:sec) 0:47:00 until 1:01:00), the valid syllabus is available on the course description (
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
Uploaded 12/09/24, 12:22
PL materials
Lecture materials
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
PL materials
NOTE: two of these illustrative Peer-to-Peer (P2P) exercises will be explained during the lectures (i.e. T classes)
NOTE: in addition to repeating the explanation of exercises 1 and 3 (belonging to the set of exercises released last week), this video also explains how to solve exercise 5, which includes aspects of the Fourier Transform that is reviewed this week.
Lecture materials
708.2 KB Documento PDF
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: the following two videos regard the same lesson, one is presented in Portuguese and another one in English.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
Uploaded 12/09/24, 12:22
PL materials
OCTOBER 4: 10-minute Quiz (13:45 - 14:00)
Verification Questions #1
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance, and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
Lecture materials
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 (part 1/3) and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 (part 2/3) and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 (part 3/3) and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition. Students should note, however, that this video does not include a new section that has now been included and that addresses the Z-Transform of the auto/cross-correlation. Please check the most recent version of the slides ("Lecture slides on the Z Transform File").
PL materials
Uploaded 3/10/24, 19:28
Verification Questions #2
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance, and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
AD assessment results so far
Uploaded 15/10/24, 08:22
NOTE: pass to open the PDF has been sent by e-mail on Oct 13
PL materials
Uploaded 10/10/24, 09:41
NOTE: this LAB is subject to formal assessment, Students should prepare it before the lab class, and, in the lab class, are expected to carry out all requested experiments up to (and including) section 6.2 of the guide.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid to explain this week's additional exercises 2 and 3.
Lecture materials
1001.4 KB Documento PDF
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition. It covers the multiplication property of the Z-Transform and the Parseval Theorem, and discusses the first part of the set of slides on the frequency-domain representation of discrete-time systems.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition. It covers the second part of the set of slides on the frequency-domain representation of discrete-time systems.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition. It covers the third part of the set of slides on the frequency-domain representation of discrete-time systems.
PL materials
Uploaded 17/10/24, 18:58
For this lab, you may ignore section 3.1.2 of the guide, and you are expected to try the experiments described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the guide.
Uploaded 17/10/24, 19:00
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition. It covers the solution to the first exercise suggested for this week as well as other exercises that will be presented next week.
Uploaded 12/09/24, 12:22
Verification Questions #3
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance, and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
AD assessment results so far
Uploaded 28/10/24, 19:58
Password has been transmitted by e-mail on Oct 28.
Note: the password has been transmitted on Oct 28. Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.
Note: the password has been transmitted on Oct 28. Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.
Lecture materials
569.7 KB Documento PDF
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
PL materials
Uploaded 31/10/24, 18:25
128.5 KB Documento PDF
NOTE: this video was produced in 2020 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
Uploaded 12/09/24, 12:22
Lecture materials
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition. The relevant part starts at min 19:00.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
Uploaded 12/09/24, 12:22
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
PL materials
Handwritten solutions regarding exercise 1 (although not complete, see attached Matlab code) and exercise 2.
NOTE: please review carefully Exercise 1 as it is very important for this week (in terms of understanding how a given relative zero-pole distribution determines the frequency response magnitude). The following video, although borrowed from another course, explains it.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2020 in the context of another course (as Exercise 4) and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance, and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
Lecture materials
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE 2: the first part of this video, up to (min:seg) 30:00 pertains to this lecture, the second part pertains to the next lecture.
PL materials
AD assessment results so far
Uploaded 20/11/24, 10:02
Lecture materials
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
PL materials
Uploaded 22/11/24, 08:35
NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE 2: exercises 5 and 6 in this video correspond to exercises 2 and 4 in the above set of exercises, respectively.
Verification Questions #5
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
AD assessment results so far
Uploaded 2/12/24, 15:46
The first lecture this week addresses DFT-based computation of the auto/cross-correlation and fast filtering in the frequency domain (the overlap-add and overlap-save methods). This is covered by slides whose PDF is available.
The second lecture this week involves only whiteboard-based analytical developments and explanations (i.e. no slides) on the following themes: the DFT as a uniform filter-bank, and introduction to spectrum estimation.
Specifically, we will present the filter bank interpretation of the DFT, in particular, by addressing the frequency response of each DFT channel. There are no supporting slides. At the end of the class, it should be clear to all attending Students why we say: «The DFT is a filter bank of uniformly frequency-modulated filters whose frequency responses depend on the Fourier Transform of the window that is used to multiply the signal».
Time permitting, we will also address and illustrate how we can use the FFT to perform a special form of spectrum estimation: the spectrogram. It should be clear to all attending Students how the spectrogram is obtained and what information it conveys. This part is not covered by supporting slides.
Lecture materials
Uploaded 28/11/24, 17:40
NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2024-2025 FunSP edition.
NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.
NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.
PL materials
Uploaded 28/11/24, 18:26
Verification Questions #6
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
AD assessment results so far
Uploaded 9/12/24, 23:39
Lectures this week will continue with the introduction to spectrum estimation using the sliding DFT/FFT, the periodogram, and the spectrogram, and will address a new topic: adaptive filtering. Linear adaptive filtering can be considered the birthplace of machine learning and is also the theme of the LAB next week.
Lecture materials
PL materials
Uploaded 5/12/24, 20:13
NOTE: Before de PL class (i.e. at home) you should prepare answers from Question 1 to Question 7. You may ignore question 6 in case the oscilloscopes in the lab are modern (i.e. not similar to those illustrated in the Lab guide). Your performance in the LAB will be assessed taking into special consideration your answers to Questions 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11.
AD assessment results so far
Lecture materials
PL materials
Uploaded 12/12/24, 19:05
Verification Questions #7
By answering this set of Verification Questions, in compliance with the University of Porto Ethical Code of Academic Conduct, namely its Article 13, I am giving my word of honor that I am providing my individual answers without any form of external assistance and that I am not using any fraudulent methods, namely capturing or using images of the questions shown.
Previous exams + solutions
NOTE: Complete solutions are provided for half of the exams.
Final AD assessment results
Note: Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.
Note: Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.
Uploaded 12/09/24, 12:22
Uploaded 16/02/25, 20:36